Saturday, June 2, 2007

Europe Online Advertising

eMarketer has released a new research report: "Europe Online Advertising:Spending Trends and the Target Audience".

eMarketer Report Summary

"The online ad market in Western Europe looks much like the US market in the early part of the decade—with two exceptions. First, paid search and rich media are more fully entrenched than they were in the US. Second, the market is not a monolith. What works in one country might fail in another.

The Europe Online Advertising report explores how the ad spending differences between Europe and the US reveal what's to come in the major European markets.

In many ways the development of European online advertising echoes the US arc, similar but a few beats behind. Traditional advertisers are still putting more money in old-time media (notably print) where audiences spend less and less time, and spending still has a ways to go before catching up.

But things are changing."

The report answers following questions:
  • "How quickly will Internet ad budgets grow in Europe?

  • Which nations show the greatest inroads of Internet ad spending?

  • To what extent does ad spending follow audience usage?

  • Where do major advertisers put their online Euros?

  • What are favorite online activities among European consumers?"

The price of the JupiterResearch report is $695.00 .

For more information on the latest eMarketer report, go to

[Content source: eMarketer]

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