Saturday, June 2, 2007

Europe Online Advertising

eMarketer has released a new research report: "Europe Online Advertising:Spending Trends and the Target Audience".

eMarketer Report Summary

"The online ad market in Western Europe looks much like the US market in the early part of the decade—with two exceptions. First, paid search and rich media are more fully entrenched than they were in the US. Second, the market is not a monolith. What works in one country might fail in another.

The Europe Online Advertising report explores how the ad spending differences between Europe and the US reveal what's to come in the major European markets.

In many ways the development of European online advertising echoes the US arc, similar but a few beats behind. Traditional advertisers are still putting more money in old-time media (notably print) where audiences spend less and less time, and spending still has a ways to go before catching up.

But things are changing."

The report answers following questions:
  • "How quickly will Internet ad budgets grow in Europe?

  • Which nations show the greatest inroads of Internet ad spending?

  • To what extent does ad spending follow audience usage?

  • Where do major advertisers put their online Euros?

  • What are favorite online activities among European consumers?"

The price of the JupiterResearch report is $695.00 .

For more information on the latest eMarketer report, go to

[Content source: eMarketer]

Digital Rights Management: Finding the Balance

eMarketer has released a new research report: "Digital Rights Management: Finding the Balance".

eMarketer Report Summary

"Authors, artists and publishers now have better technological tools to protect their digital creations — but if they want consumers to pay for their digital work, they must find the right balance between copyright protection and the expectations of the consumer.

The Digital Rights Management report explores the increasingly contentious and elusive line that lies between creators and consumers.

Online, if the rightful owner does not allow consumers get the content they want, when they want it and how they want to use it, they will get it elsewhere. Content providers can either get a piece of the action or put such tight restrictions on their content through DRM and restrictive terms-of-service agreements that consumers will simply avoid them."

The report answers following questions:
  • "How big is the market for digital content?

  • How does DRM fit in with current laws and business models?

  • How are media consumption patterns changing?

  • What do consumers expect when accessing online content?"

The price of the JupiterResearch report is $695.00 .

For more information on the latest eMarketer report, go to

[Content source: eMarketer]

CPG Online Marketing: Relationships Take Over

eMarketer has released a new research report: "CPG Online Marketing: Relationships Take Over".

eMarketer Report Summary

"When Procter & Gamble, the company that put the soap into television "soap operas," began offering music downloads on a relationship-building site, Home Made Simple, it was a sure sign the consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry was changing. The Internet is now where consumers interact with brands in ways surpassing even TV commercials.

The CPG Online Marketing report shows how savvy CPG marketers are combining offline campaigns, coupons, sweepstakes and games with powerful database targeting techniques to build websites that engage a self-selected customer audience in long-term relationships that drive sales more efficiently than stand-alone television advertising ever could.

In fact, today product sites are evolving into social networks—places where consumers sell one another on a brand's attributes."

The report answers following questions:
  • "What are CPG companies spending on the Internet?

  • How will CPG ad dollars shift in the coming year?

  • What attracts consumers to CPG Web sites?

  • What type of sites work best for CPG advertising?

  • Why is "Engagement" the buzzword for CPG marketers?

  • How are multimedia campaigns successfully integrated?"

The price of the JupiterResearch report is $695.00 .

For more information on the latest eMarketer report, go to

[Information source: eMarketer]

Mobile Gaming

eMarketer has released a new research report: "Mobile Gaming".

eMarketer Report Summary

"$2.5 billion in 2005 worldwide revenues confirms that mobile gaming is more than a fad. Simple puzzle games dominate and it is unclear whether mobile gamers will play the more sophisticated games available on newer handsets. Nevertheless, the market is growing around the world, particularly in the US.

The Mobile Gaming brief analyzes the factors driving the growth of this market—and how its development will affect other channels.

The potential value of the mobile gaming market goes beyond the dollars earned from sales of games themselves. Users who play games on their phones spend more money on wireless phone services overall, and in-game ads and the branding power of games will make mobile gaming a strategically important tool for advertisers and marketers."

The report answers following questions:
  • "How large is the market for mobile games?

  • What types of games bring in the most revenue?

  • Who plays games on their phone?

  • What is the advertising potential presented by mobile gaming?"

The price of the JupiterResearch report is $695.00 .

For more information on the latest eMarketer report, go to

[Information source: eMarketer]

Retail E-Commerce: Future Trends

eMarketer has released a new research report: "Retail E-Commerce: Future Trends".

eMarketer Report Summary

"While both the number of new Internet users in the US and the number of online buyers are only growing at single-digit rates, eMarketer estimates that online sales in 2005 increased a hefty 25%. Baby boomers and digitally literate young adults, coupled with the spread of broadband access, are changing the way people shop online—and how Web merchants market to them.

The Retail E-Commerce report tracks the trends that are invigorating B2C marketing and sales, including unprecedented consumer involvement in product comparison sites, peer opinions, social networks, discussion boards and blogs. At the same time, higher broadband penetration is empowering Web merchants to experiment with product visualization tools that give customers a greater sense of products that have traditionally only been evaluated up close in stores."

The report answers following questions:
  • "Which consumer segments are driving US retail e-commerce growth?

  • How are young shoppers changing e-commerce?

  • How are consumers and Web retailers using virtual communities to aid the buying decision process?

  • Which online shoppers make the greatest use of visualization tools—which product categories?"

The price of the JupiterResearch report is $695.00 .

For more information on the latest eMarketer report, go to

[Information source: eMarketer]

UK Broadcasters Revolutionize Online Catch-Up TV Landscape

JupiterResearch has released a new research report: "UK Broadcasters Revolutionize Online Catch-Up TV Landscape, JupiterResearch's Take".

JupiterResearch Report Summary

"The BBC Trust recently approved the iPlayer initiative, which will enable UK viewers to view BBC TV programming for free online, on-demand for up to seven days after broadcast (30 days for 15 percent of content). Similarly UK commercial broadcaster ITV announced the launch of its own online video initiative incorporating a similar catch-up TV component. Concurrently, UK broadcaster Channel 4 announced results of 20 million downloads and one million viewers for its online, on-demand video service 4oD. "

The report answers following questions:
  • " Why are TV broadcasters launching online catch-up TV services?

  • What purpose will such offerings play?"

The price of the JupiterResearch report is $750.

For more information on the latest JupiterResearch report, go to

[Information source: JupiterResearch]

Mobile Ticketing

JupiterResearch has released a new research report: "Mobile Ticketing: Identifying Opportunities to Leverage Digital Disruption in Nascent Market".

JupiterResearch Report Summary

"The growing interest in bar codes and near-field communication (NFC) technologies highlights an opportunity to launch convenient mobile ticketing services in the events and transportation markets. "

The report answers following questions:
  • "How interested are online ticket buyers in using their mobile phones for transactions?

  • Which technologies can or will enable transaction services?

  • How quickly will the mobile transaction market develop?"

The price of the JupiterResearch report is $750.

For more information on the latest JupiterResearch report, go to

[Information source: JupiterResearch]

Data Essentials, UK, 2007

JupiterResearch has released a new research report: "Data Essentials, UK, 2007".

JupiterResearch Report Summary

"This Data Essentials report comprises highlights of JupiterResearch's market forecasts and consumer surveys for the UK. The report analyzes the growth in the online population, broadband access, digital TV (DTV), mobile adoption, mobile content and services, and online retail, in addition to assessing the attitudes and behaviors of Internet users in the UK."

The report answers following questions:
  • "How does adoption of broadband in the UK compare with adoption in other European countries?

  • Which DTV platform will be dominant in the UK in 2011?

  • What is the status of the UK mobile market?

  • What activities do users in the UK conduct online?

  • What is the profile of average online buyers in the UK?"

The price of the JupiterResearch report is $750.

For more information on the latest JupiterResearch report, go to

[Information source: JupiterResearch]

Metrics-Driven Retail

JupiterResearch has released a new research report: "Metrics-Driven Retail: Using Web and Customer Data to Drive ROI".

JupiterResearch Report Summary

"Retailers have the data to make great improvements to their businesses, but most are not effectively using it."

The report answers following questions:
  • "What metrics (i.e., standard of measurement) are retailers using to make business decisions?

  • How are retailers using the metrics they track to drive their business decisions?

  • What effect has the use of metrics had on retailers' key performance indicators (KPIs)?"

The price of the JupiterResearch report is $750.

For more information on the latest JupiterResearch report, go to

[Information source: JupiterResearch]

Mobile Subscriber Acquisition

JupiterResearch has released a new research report: "Mobile Subscriber Acquisition: Marketing to Parents, Teens, and Tweens".

JupiterResearch Report Summary

"In January 2007, JupiterResearch designed and fielded an extensive survey to study parents' behavior and attitudes toward the ownership and use of cell phones by their children. This report explores the results of the survey."

The report answers following questions:
  • "How does cell phone adoption and account ownership trend with age among children, teens, and young adults?

  • What inhibits parents from purchasing cell phones for their children and signing them up for cell phone services?

  • What can wireless carriers do to convince parents to purchase cell phones for their younger children?"

The price of the JupiterResearch report is $750.

For more information on the latest JupiterResearch report, go to

[Information source: JupiterResearch]

Friday, June 1, 2007

Mobile Media Forecast, 2006 to 2011

JupiterResearch has released a new research report: "Mobile Media Forecast, 2006 to 2011: Infotainment Will Be the Next Growth Engine"

JupiterResearch Report Summary

"The mobile media tide is shifting away from ring tones and wallpapers to new growth opportunities from infotainment: games, voting, alerts, and video."

The report answers following questions:
  • "How is consumer adoption of mobile media evolving?

  • What will be the size of the mobile personalization (e.g., ring tones, wallpaper) market in 2011?

  • What will be the size of the mobile entertainment (e.g., games, video) market in 2011?"

The price of the JupiterResearch report is $750.

For more information on the latest JupiterResearch report, go to

[Information source: JupiterResearch]

Online Sweepstakes

JupiterResearch has released a new research report: "Online Sweepstakes: Maximizing Consumers' Participation"

JupiterResearch Report Summary

"Advertisers do not often succeed in constructing sweepstakes campaigns that achieve their goals, despite these campaigns' popularity as advertising tactics."

The report answers following questions:
  • "How do sweepstakes participation rates vary by demographic segment?

  • Which methods can advertisers use to increase sweepstakes participation?

  • How can advertisers increase the quality of leads they collect through sweepstakes?"

The price of the JupiterResearch report is $750.

For more information on the latest JupiterResearch report, go to

[Information source: JupiterResearch]

Metrics-Driven Retail

JupiterResearch has released a new research report: "Metrics-Driven Retail"

JupiterResearch Report Summary

"Retailers have the data to make great improvements to their businesses, but most are not effectively using it."

The report answers following questions:
  • "What metrics (i.e., standard of measurement) are retailers using to make business decisions?

  • How are retailers using the metrics they track to drive their business decisions?

  • What effect has the use of metrics had on retailers' key performance indicators (KPIs)?"

The price of the JupiterResearch report is $750.

For more information on the latest JupiterResearch report, go to

[Information source: JupiterResearch]

US Online Consumer Survey, 2007

JupiterResearch has released a new research report: "US Online Consumer Survey, 2007, Profiling the Online User"

JupiterResearch Report Summary

"This report comprises data from JupiterResearch's latest online benchmarking study, detailing users' information and segmenting the online audience by demographics, life stages, and attitudes. The information illuminates critical differences among users relevant for online marketers and content companies."

The report answers following questions:

  • "What are the most popular online activities among consumers?

  • How do demographics, life stages, and attitudes predict and correlate with online behavior?

  • Which distinct segments comprise the online audience?"

The price of the JupiterResearch report is $750.

For more information on the latest JupiterResearch report, go to

Content source: JupiterResearch]